Hip Injury Prevention
Hip Pointer:
- Wear proper padding over the Iliac Crest
Hip Flexor Strain:
- Maintain good flexibility of calves, quadriceps, hip flexors and abdominals musculature
- Perform a well-rounded dynamic warm up prior to activity
- Perform static stretching after activity
- Maintain good strength of lower body musculature
- Train in multiple planes and load the muscles in a sport specific matter
- Increase general endurance as the chance of injury increases when training results in muscle fatigue
- Maintain equal bilateral strength to avoid compensations
- Increase core strength
Hamstring Strain:
- Maintain good flexibility of lower body musculature
- Perform a well-rounded dynamic warm up prior to activity
- Perform static stretching after activity
- Maintain good strength of lower body musculature
- Train in multiple planes and load the muscles in a sport specific matter
- Increase general endurance as the chance of injury increases when training results in muscle fatigue
- Maintain equal bilateral strength to avoid compensations
- Increase core strength
Groin Strain:
- Maintain good flexibility of lower body musculature
- Perform a well-rounded, dynamic warm up prior to activity
- Perform static stretching after activity
- Maintain good strength of lower body musculature
- Train in multiple planes and load the muscles in a sport specific matter
- Increase general endurance as the chance of injury increases when training results in muscle fatigue
- Maintain equal bilateral strength to avoid compensations
- Increase core strength
Snapping Hip Syndrome:
- Proper warm up before sports activities
- Stretch tight muscles (hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps and calf muscles)
- Do not play through pain!
Hip Labral Tear:
- Appropriate stretching prior to and after athletic activity including hip flexors, IT band and hip internal and external rotators
Apophysitis of the Hip and Pelvis:
- Proper warm up before sports activities
- Stretch tight muscles (hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps and calf muscles)
- Do not play through pain!